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Ghulam Nabi Azad Reveals Conversion of Hinduism to Islam Among Majority of Muslims in India

Aug 17, 2023

Jammu, India: Ghulam Nabi Azad, Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP), stirred controversy by asserting that a significant proportion of the Indian Muslim population had converted from Hinduism. He pointed to historical examples, including the Kashmir Valley, where he noted that the majority of Kashmiri Pandits had supposedly embraced Islam.

During his speech, Azad emphasized that religion should not be exploited for political gains. He criticized the manipulation of religious sentiments in politics, describing those who resort to such tactics as weak and urged against using religion as a vote bank.

Azad further elaborated on his views, stating, “Islam came into existence just 1,500 years ago, while Hinduism is a much older religion. While there might have been a handful of Muslims who arrived from outside India, the majority converted from Hinduism. The Kashmir Valley offers an illustrative example of this transformation, with the majority of present-day Muslims reportedly having descended from Kashmiri Pandits who embraced Islam over the centuries.”

He also drew parallels between the customs of the two religions, remarking, “When Hindus pass away, they are traditionally cremated, and their ashes are often immersed in rivers. Similarly, Muslims, upon their passing, become part of the nation’s soil. In this manner, both communities are intricately intertwined with the land they call home.”

Azad’s comments sparked debate among various sections of society. While some individuals agreed with his perspective, others questioned the historical accuracy of his claims and raised concerns about the potentially divisive nature of his statements.

Majority of Indian Muslims Reportedly Converted from Hinduism, Claims Ghulam Nabi Azad

The DPAP leader’s speech concluded with a call for unity and an appeal to voters to focus on issues beyond religious affiliations. He emphasized that casting votes solely based on religious identities, whether Hindu or Muslim, is not conducive to a healthy democratic process.

As reactions continue to pour in, Azad’s remarks have reignited discussions about the complex interplay between religion, politics, and identity in India. The implications of his statements are likely to reverberate through both public discourse and political arenas in the days to come.

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