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From Fear to Hope: Sushmita Sen’s Incredible Journey After a Heart Attack!

Aug 4, 2023

Actress Sushmita Sen recently opened up about her life-altering experience of suffering a heart attack earlier this year. In a candid interview with Daily India Post, she revealed that while the incident initially instilled fear, she has since embraced a profound sense of hope.

Sen disclosed that her heart attack was caused by a 95% blockage in one of her arteries, leading to her undergoing angioplasty at a Mumbai hospital. However, as she reflects on the ordeal, she expresses her gratitude for coming out on the other side stronger and more resilient.

“It was undoubtedly a challenging phase, but it passed,” Sen said with a reassuring smile. “Now, I no longer live in fear. Instead, I have an overwhelming feeling of promise, of looking forward to what life has in store. When you receive a second chance at life, you treasure it and become more vigilant about your well-being.”

Sen’s story serves as a crucial reminder that heart attacks can strike anyone, irrespective of age, fitness level, or lifestyle. Being aware of the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack is vital, and immediate medical attention should be sought if one suspects they might be experiencing one.

Her message of hope is truly inspiring, demonstrating that even after a major health scare, it is entirely possible to lead a fulfilling and joyous life. Sushmita Sen’s resilience and positive outlook encourage us all to cherish each moment and prioritize our health and happiness.

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