Undeclared Emergency in India By Pm Narendra Modi

Animal Box Office Collection: Cross 500 Crore in Just Days 1, 2, and 4

Nov 28, 2023

Ranbir Kapoor’s new movie, “Animal,” is doing super well at the box office. It made more than 50 crores on the first day, and people are saying it might beat Ranbir’s other big movie, “Sanju.”

Day 1: Super Start

“Animal” started with a bang! Lots of people went to see it on the first day, and it made more than 50 crores. Ranbir Kapoor’s acting and the story got everyone excited for what’s coming next.

Day 2: Still Going Strong

The second day was also good for “Animal.” Many people kept going to the theaters to watch the movie. People are thinking that this movie might become the biggest one for Ranbir Kapoor, even bigger than “Sanju.”

Day 4: Wow, 500 Crores!

Guess what? “Animal” crossed 500 crores in just four days. That’s a massive number! People really love the movie, and it’s making history with so much money.

All Over the World: People think “Animal” will make more than 541 crores worldwide. It’s not just popular in India; people from all over the world are watching and liking it.

Many Tickets Sold Before the Release: Even before the movie came out, many people bought tickets to see “Animal.” Over 52,000 tickets were sold in different places. Places like Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Jaipur, and Chandigarh had the most people booking tickets early.

Animal Movie

Coming Out on December 1st: “Animal” will be out on December 1st, 2023. People are really looking forward to it, and everyone is talking about how good it will be.

People Talking About “Animal”: Newspapers and websites are saying a lot about “Animal.” They use words like “Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Animal’ is a Hit!” and “Guess How Much ‘Animal’ Will Make at the Box Office.” Everyone is excited to see what happens next.

In the End 

“Animal” is making a lot of money, and everyone is happy. People love Ranbir Kapoor, and they love this movie. It’s becoming one of the biggest movies ever, and everyone is waiting to see what records it breaks next.

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